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Discover the joys of working and traveling abroad with GO International's animal rescue

Au Pair in the UK

Do you have a passion for working with children and always wanted to travel to the UK? Then this is your chance! GO International's Au Pair Program is perfect for UK fans, first-timers, solo travelers, childcare workers and participants who are looking for a job already arranged before they leave Canada.
per person
United Kingdom
6-24 months
Canada working holiday

Canada Working Holiday Program (Non-Sponsored)

International Experience Canada is a program established by the Canadian Government, which allows foreign nationals from 30+ countries to work and travel in Canada. This program is designed for participants, who have a work permit, but want the assistance from a Canadian company to get a job, find an accommodation and organize their travel plans. Please note: The 2024 IEC season is now open, and we are accepting applications for our Non-Sponsored packages if you already have a Working Holiday visa or want to apply during the 2024 season.
per person
12-24 months
Canada Working Holiday Program

Canada Working Holiday Program (RO Sponsored)

As a Recognized Organization with International Experience Canada, GO International is able to nominate American citizens and nationals from the YMA countries for a Working Holiday visa. This allows participants to work and travel in Canada for up 6, 12 or 24 months and explore its stunning landscapes and interesting culture.   NOTE: Our 2024 season spots for this program have been filled and we are unable to accept new RO-sponsored applications. For future updates, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter.
per person
12-24 months
Work and Travel Australia, chill in the beach

Work and Travel Australia (Gold)

Dreaming of snorkeling at the Great Barrier reef or exploring the Australian Outback? Then this is a great program to make all those dreams come true! Join our Working Holiday program in Australia to create new memories.
per person
Melbourne, Sydney
2-12 months
Experience the thrill of working and traveling in Australia with GO International's work and travel program

Work and Travel Australia (Platinum Adventure)

Start your work abroad in Australia with a 7-day adventure tour: Instantly make new friends, visit the most exciting places of the Sydney/Melbourne area and prepare yourself for a successful Working Holiday!
per person
Melbourne, Sydney
2-12 months
Work and travel UK Pub Program - working in a bar

Work and Travel UK Pub Program

Do you want to travel the UK? Do you have experience in hospitality or customer service? Why not combine the both - with GO International's UK Pub Program you can! Secure a full-time permanent job placement in the UK before you leave Canada and experience Britain's exciting culture firsthand.
per person
United Kingdom
6-24 months